“Policemen arrested the man because he stole the money.”。句中用連接詞because來連接兩個子句,用代名詞he來代替前面的先行詞the man,因此,可用who來結合這兩項,讓句子變得比較精簡,「Policemen arrested the man who stole the money.」。
這時候,可以用現在分詞讓句子更加簡明一些,變成”Policemen arrested the man stealing the money.“。在這裡是用分詞片語取代關係子句,關係子句俗稱形容詞子句。
也可以用過去分詞片語將其改成被動語態,”The man arrested by policemen stole the money.“。

“Typhoon destroyed the power plant, which made the whole city dark.“。同樣可改成「Typhoon destroyed the power plant, making the whole city dark.」。後者尤其受到新聞播報員青睞,因為唸到現在分詞making的時候,可以加重語氣。
使用現在分詞取代關係代名詞,雖然句子精簡了,但如果還有動名詞或介系詞including存在,ing會出現好幾次,反而讓句子不好看了。”The man stealing the money goes camping with friends including Mary.”就是一個反例。

有一部好萊塢卡通長片「風中奇緣」,主題曲”Colors of the wind“,不但曲調優美,歌詞也相當講究,裡面有一句話很長,”You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you.”,讓初次接觸者暈頭轉向。
圖2-3-3. Vanessa Williams唱這首歌,不做第二人想。